Though now extremely popular around the world, mountain biking is still a relatively new sport that's continually growing with each passing season. As bikes become stronger, lighter, and faster, more and more difficult terrain can be conquered on two wheels. Here are a few fun facts about biking sure to make you’re the most interesting rider on your next group ride.

1. Mountain bikes started out as a tool.

Prior to the idea of mountain biking as a recreational activity, "off-road" style bikes were used for transportation over rough terrain. One of the earliest examples of this was their use by Buffalo Soldiers headed from Montana to Yellowstone during the 1890s. The design of these 19th century bikes was  a far cry from the sophisticated gearing, shock, and brake systems that mountain bikes have today, and they were much heavier and much slower. But, they got the job done.

2. Mountain bikes were imagined as one-directional.

Not one-directional in a sense of moving forwards and backwards, one-directional in the sense that they were only meant to go downhill. With origins of mountain biking as a recreational sport dating back to 1970, early bike designs were essentially modified cruisers that riders would take to the top of a hill in an automobile or by pushing and then ride down. Though the uphill can still make for an occasional miserable time, it's probably best that modern bikes can easily go both ways.