Singles line allows more time for this.
Skiing and riding with your buddies can be one of the most rewarding
activities out there, as few things match the stoke shared when
high-fiving at the bottom after a run of hip-high blower pow, or once
your friend finally lands that elusive backflip. But many people get
sucked into the routine of always accompanying someone else, missing out
on the benefits of taking a solo day. Here are six reasons why you
should go at it alone next time:
1. Self-Accountability
If you woke up after 11:00, got to the mountain at 12:30, and all the
freshies vanished -the only person to blame- is yourself. Committing to a
solitary day puts you completely in control, and therefore at fault.
Since no one can hold you back with their lost gear and missed alarms,
try getting out much earlier than you normally would. When Im alone, I
always go for first chair. It makes my riding day feel that much longer,
and well, first tracks. Need I say more? Set the alarm for 6:30 am, and
get moving.
2. Go Where You Want
When youre riding alone, you get to call the shots. Whoops, you were
feeling it on that last lap and accidentally skipped the chair you were
supposed to take? Since youre a single, instead of missing five phone
calls from your now-seething friends who thought you were dead, you just
hopped on another lift. No big deal.
Or, you just had the best run of your life, but your companion despises
moguls, so they are making you move on. Nope, this time its all you, so
repeat it as many times as you want. When Im solo, I dont even make a
plan. I just float down, following what I feel like doing at that exact
moment and seeing where the fall line takes me.
3. Try Something New
Nobody likes being the last one to the chair and making everyone wait
for them. This competitive environment, as subtle as it may be,
discourages riders from trying things that would normally slow them
down. If I dont have to keep up with someone, Im experimenting. Im
working on my butters, perfecting my carves, or better yet, Im riding
switch. Its unbelievable how much you can progress when you arent going
hyper speed down a groomer, and instead attempt to nail that nose press
15 times on a run.
4. Break When You Want
Riding alone means you control the clock. Instead of busting down that
mogul field and risking a bad fall because you can barely keep your
fatigued legs upright, sit at the top, and wait until you are ready. And
dont be afraid to go into the lodge to use the bathroom, rather than
risking frostbite just so your friends dont have to wait as long. Or
stop to grab a drink of water before you pass out, guilt-free. These are
all boons of riding alone.
5. New Perspective
When youre looking for your friends tracks like a heat seeking missile,
you happen to miss a lot of other features and lines. Without someone
leading, you might find a sweet new side hit on your favorite run that
you never noticed or you might stare out and revel in pristine mountain
wilderness that surrounds all the Colorado resorts. Im always surprised
at how differently I look at my environment and at the new ways I ride
the mountain when focal point isnt fixed on following my friends.
6. Singles Line
Debatably the best part of being alone is the coveted singles line. Slip
beyond the crowd and exponentially cut your wait time, attracting the
eyes of the envious onlookers. The most crowded of days feels much less
so when you do not have to stand in line. Another plus - riding the lift
can be beyond therapeutic when your only job is enjoying the vista- and
not listening to your friend complain about their cold toes.
Singles line allows more time for this.
Solo days feel completely different from a normal outing with
friends. Less waiting, no guilt, and you get to dictate where and when.
Give it a try next time, because it will provide you with a new way of
enjoying the mountains.