Thursday, March 2, 2017

How To De-Tune Your Snowboard

Tools Needed

Metal File                          

Removing Rough Edges 

When it comes to detuning your board, you always want to detune the Tip and Tail. This is essential for Cambered boards. It's not essential for Reverse Cambered boards but we would still advise you to do it, so you get the most out of your board and increase it's longevity. It only takes a short time anyway and it will improve your boards performance. 
Cambered baord
Reverse Cambered board
When de-tuning your board, start with your Tip and Tail as these are your biggest contact points to the snow. Place your elbow on the board to get yourself into a good position that gives you leverage for filing your edges. You then want to file at different angles so you round the edge, instead of creating a flat one.

To round the edge, start 2 inches (5cm) within the effective edge, to smoothen up the tip and tail of the board. By doing this, you remove the rough sharp edges, which is better for the feel of your board under foot, and will also stop tearing your gloves apart every time you go to do a grab.

Softening the Edges

Once you've softened up the Tip & Tail, you want to detune the heel and toe edges of your board. First, using your finger-nail check if the edges feel sharp. If it feels sharp, you want to soften up the edges with a Diamond Stone. Place the board on its side and go along the bottom and side edges with the Diamond Stone to remove the sharp edges.

If the edges are feeling grabby, use the Gummy Stones to fine tune the edges. Start with the Rough stone first. Then use the Soft stone to fine-tune the edges. Fine tune the edges by using the gummy stone on the bottom edges of the board, and on the side. Alternate between the bottom and side edges until you are happy with the feel.
Tuning Tip: You always want to finish off on the Side edge - This will remove any sharp edges from poking out and ensure that any sharp spots face down.
Once you have finished smoothing the edges, the feeling you're looking for is a sharp and slippery edge. If your edges feel sharp and slippery, you are then ready for the next step, Waxing.

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